11+ Free Military Alphabet Charts

When military personal and soldiers want to make communicate clear and easily understandable, they use specific alphabets known as military alphabets. Military alphabet chart template also have other names such as army alphabets, NATO phonetic alphabets, military police alphabets and military phonetic alphabets etc. Military officials and other armed forces use these alphabets when they communicate with others via radio or at a noisy place. We all know that how difficult it could be to communicate useful information in noise of gun fires but soldiers make it easier and effective using military alphabets.

Variety of words has same sound and can easily be misunderstood when you want to spell something out. Military alphabets can come in handy for you to make communication efficient when you absolutely have to be clear with your voice even in noisy environment. Military alphabets are available on charts from a to z and military officials use printed charts to learn and remember those alphabets. On this web page you can find more than one PDF army alphabet charts that can easily be printed after necessary modification.

Use of military alphabets helps you to differentiate words sound the same when spoken over phone call or radio talk. Whether you want to learn military alphabets yourself or want to have them on a chart for your students, you can download free military alphabets PDF to take prints out in required quantity. Downloading of a suitable chart of military alphabets also allow you to customize the chart with new details. You can also add new words to make communicate more effective and easy to understand. Military alphabet chart templates are available in different formats such as MS word, PDF and PSD etc.

Download Military Alphabets:

External Resources:


Military Alphabet Chart Sample

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NATO Military Phonetic Alphabet



Military Alphabet Printable

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Military Alphabets With Letters


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